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CCS Ongoing Training

Ongoing Training Requirements

Each staff member must receive at least 8 hours of inservice training a year that shall be designed to increase the knowledge and skills received during the orientation training period.  

​Ongoing in-service training shall include one or more of the following:

  1. Time set aside for in–service training, including discussion and presentation of current principles and methods of providing psychosocial rehabilitation services. 

  2. Presentations by community resource staff from other agencies, including consumer operated services. 

  3. Conferences or workshops

Download an Ongoing Training Log ​(updated 7-24-18) to track your training hours.



Video Trainings

  • Minimizing Risk while Working with CCS Clients, Facilitated by Jessica Beauchamp, LCSW (1 hour 50 minutes).  Become more skilled in the three levels of awareness - self-awareness, environmental awareness, and client awareness.  Learn prevention techniques that can be used in the office and in the field.  Understand phases of a crisis development and learn skills that can be used to de-escalate and minimize risk during each phase.


  • Confidentiality Practices in CCS, Facilitated by Jessica Beauchamp, LCSW (35 minutes).  This training is designed to provide knowledge on the best practices to ensure clients rights for privacy and security of their personal health information.  Topics covered include an overview of pertinent statutes/rules, confidentiality in specific scenarios (e.g. paper documents, use of technology, and conversations), disposal of records, recommendations for reporting a breach, and resources.







  • Effective Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders in a Wraparound Setting, facilitated by Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC (3 hours, 16 minutes) Clients with co-occurring disorders often have more hospitalizations, evictions, arrests suicide attempts and actual suicides than clients with a single diagnosis of mental illness or substance use disorders. In addition, individuals with co-occurring disorders are often difficult to engage and retain in treatment. In this webinar you will learn: pre-treatment engagement strategies; how to engage clients with co-occurring disorders within the first 5 minutes of contact; wraparound services for clients with co-occurring disorders; retaining clients the first 2 sessions; retaining clients with co-occurring disorders beyond session two; evidence based approaches to improving outcomes; Integrated co-occurring disorders treatment in a wraparound system of care; creating community and the effective use of peers to increase retention and improve outcomes.​


  • Working with Psychosis Using the Wraparound Process, Presentation by Dr. Steven Dykstra (3 hours, 45 minutes) Dr. Dykstra provides an overview of first episode psychosis including signs, symptoms, and causes. Implications of treatment options are explored, promoting a focus on an individual's wellness as opposed to their illness.  Considerations and strategies for providing supports and services to individuals diagnosed with first episode psychosis in a wraparound setting are shared.


Wraparound Training Resources


There are a variety of wraparound workshops, starting with fundamental sessions designed for different roles. Advanced workshops and learning collaboratives are available for participants who have completed the fundamentals. Seminars, contract advisory meetings, and other wraparound events are also available:


​UW Green Bay CCS Core Training 

Training topics include but may not be limited to:

  • Managing Threatening Confrontations with Children and Adolescents

  • Crisis Core Training Series

  • Cultivating Provider Competency with Eating Disorders: Identification, Treatment, and Knowing
    When to Refer

  • Evidence-Based Assessment and Interventions for Self-Injury

  • Sorting Out the Personality Disorders

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Training


Additional Resources and Training Opportunities

Wisconsin Public Psychiatry Network Teleconference (WPPNT)

Health and Human Services Conferences and Workshops, including:
​For additional information, click here.

  • Annual Crisis Intervention Conference

  • Annual Mental Health and Substance Use Recovery Training Conference

  • Wisconsin Statewide Substance Abuse Prevention Training 


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