Guiding Principles of the Regional CCS
The system of care will:
Hold a balance between uniformity of services while providing individualized services that are flexibly administered.
Promote developmentally informed services at every level: individual, family, community programs and region.
Assure sovereignty of local resources and natural supports.
Assure and model self-direction through voice, access and ownership of services.
Maintain fidelity to (1) the principles of CCS (2) the law and program requirements that support this service and (3) sharing resources through collaboration.
Build on the multi-disciplinary, multi-county collaboration to assure accountability.
Be person-centered, with strengths and needs dictating the types and mix of services provided.
Promote early identification and intervention to enhance the opportunity for positive outcomes.
Provide access to to a comprehensive array of services that promote physical and emotional wellbeing through mental health and substance abuse services while addressing identified social, educational, and recreational needs of all ages.
Provide service coordination to ensure that multiple services are developed and delivered in a coordinated, collaborative and confidential manner.
Ensure a smooth and coordinated transition from the child to the adult service system.